Monday, November 23, 2009

Let Him Go!

During these past twelve years that I've been involved in the ministry, I have had the wonderful experience of watching as Jesus called men and women out of spiritual death into new life. I have never lost the wonder and excitement, the emotion of that kind of resurrection, and I pray that I never will.

But then I've also seen loving, caring people reach out and embrace and welcome these strangers in their midst, helping them to meet new friends and develop new habits (like coming to church on a regular basis or coming to Sunday School). I've seen them provide encouragement to find and use their unique gifts in the ministry of the church.

Whenever I've seen this happen, I have recalled Jesus' instructions to the crowd of onlookers at the resurrection of Lazarus: "Unbind him, and let him go." When we encourage newly resurrected Christians to become a vital part of the faith community, that's what we're doing. We're taking off the grave clothes, participating in the miracle of new life.

Johnny Dean, Death Stinks,

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