Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sermon Ender - Forgiveness

Carl Michalson, a brilliant young theologian who died in a plane crash some
years ago, once told about playing with his young son one afternoon.
They tussled playfully on their front lawn when Michalson accidentally hit
the young boy in the face with his elbow. It was a sharp blow full to his
son's face. The little boy was stunned by the impact of the elbow. It hurt,
and he was just about to burst into tears. But then he looked into his
father's eyes. Instead of anger and hostility, he saw there his father's
sympathy and concern; he saw there his father's love and compassion. Instead
of exploding into tears, the little boy suddenly burst into laughter. What
he saw in his father's eyes made all the difference!

The sharp blow of God's message to us is: Repentance. But, look into your
father's eyes. What he offers you is forgiveness and that makes all the
difference. Repent and you will be forgiven.

James W. Moore, Some Things Are too Good Not to Be True,
Nashville:Dimensions, p. 43. Adapted.

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