Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There Is Work to Do!

What a message for us at Advent! "Let every heart/Prepare him room" we sing.
Perhaps we would do well to say let every heart get out the bulldozers and
backhoes, the rock crushers and road graders:

There are mountains that need to come down - mountains of racism, sexism,
ageism, and any other "-ism" that blocks our way to healthy relationships
with one another and with our Lord.

There are valleys to be filled - valleys of depression, despair, loneliness,
grief, pain, any of which can keep us from the rich relationship the Savior
offers and that keep us from enjoying the fellowship of the faith.

There are crooked places to be made straight - yes, there is perversity,
even among those we might never imagine; fine exteriors mask rotten
interiors of abuse, neglect, immorality, even violence.

There are rough places to be made smooth - rough places that have come
because of oppression and injustice.

There is work to do! Bring on the heavy equipment!

David E. Leininger, One Shock after Another

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