Friday, December 28, 2007

Street Evangelism

Street E yesterday was a renewal of passion for evangelism. As I went out to the streets yesterday, I was so thankful for giving me a new passion for evangelism. Thank God firstly for the one soul saved. As I'm reading the Book of Revelation recently, it was a reminder that God is coming again and we are living in the last days.

This world is coming to an end and we have to work while it is day, for when night comes, no man can work. So I was burdened yesterday to just take the gospel to anyone whom I met. I don't have time to stop and rest because these people are going to hell.

I've been thinking about many things recently, and one thing that strike me the most was that people nowadays think that they are very smart. With the access to a whole range of information through the net and with the availability of books and information at their fingertips, people are rejecting God.

Books are written to say that God don't exist, debates are conducted to prove that God is fake, people are thinking that they are capable of saving themselves, movies are downplaying the truth about God, jokes are made about the Bible and God.

People have lost that child-like faith. Jesus have said that anyone who comes to Him have to come as a child, humbling themselves to receive Him as Lord and Saviour. God is extending His hand out to you this Christmas, He wants to give you eternal life and abundant life, but you have to receive that gift from Him.

This Christmas, don't let it pass by as another Christmas, make this Christmas real, make it Christmas in your heart. Come to Jesus today! Will you?

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